Quality Control

Trityl Monitoring of Coupling Efficiency

As an initial quality control procedure, Empirical Bioscience verifies the coupling efficiency during the synthesis process by monitoring the intensity of the dimethoxytrityl cation during the acid-induced cleavage process. Failure of a sequence to meet our minimum requirements results in the automatic resynthesis of the sequence.

Yield From Synthesis

Yield of a particular synthesis is affected by a large number of factors, including:

  • Scale of synthesis
  • Base Composition of sequence
  • Additions of modifications
  • Purification option

Empirical Bioscience ensures that the yield from a synthesis is within an acceptable range. Even if a synthesis passes all the other quality control checkpoints, but does not meet our minimum expected yield, it will be resynthesized.

MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

Empirical Bioscience uses Delayed Extraction MALDI-TOF mass analysis to verify the molecular weight of synthetic oligonucleotides. A printout of the mass spectrum is provided for a fee of $5.00 per oligo and must be requested when the order is placed. For sequences which are purified or contain a modified base, we provide a copy of the mass spectrum at no additional charge.


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